The Consumption Tax Institute, Inc. does research on the consumption tax in Nebraska and educates Nebraska citizens on the nature and value of consumption taxation versus the current system of property, income, corporate, estate, and sales taxes. This tax reform is commonly known as EPIC tax reform, which stands for Eliminate Property, Income, and Corporate taxes. This proposed reform also replaces the current sales tax with a consumption tax, which taxes only new goods and services with the lone exception of groceries. Promotion for a petition drive to place the issue on the 2024 General Election Ballot is the purvue of our sister organization, EPIC Option. (See below.)
One of our primary purposes is to research. We have hired qualified economists to do several studies for us over the years. The latest one, completed in February, 2023, appears at this link:
For taxes to be effective, they must conform to principles that govern the effect of any tax. All taxes have consequences, good and bad. Taxes can be optimized only if they consider their impact, which is governed by these principles that are just as certain as the principle of gravity. You may access the Pilla
If you wish to know more about promoting the idea and possibly participate in the petiton drive to make it happen, go to this website, maintained by our companion 501c4 organization:
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Please contact:
Rob Rohrbough
President, Consumption Tax Institute, Inc.
402-639-8286 - cell
You may address inquiries to:
Consumption Tax Institute, Inc.
5062 S. 108th Street
Suite 247
Omaha, NE 68137
Or you may donate here:
The Consumption Tax Institute, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and charitable contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes.